A busy, chatty time ahead in and around the base of operations or with family. You'll want to initiate improvements with what you own already or be keener to get your hands on more stuff large or small. You could be more enterprising in a business sense and strive to gather or protect resources of various kinds. You may be taking steps (literally) to improve health and fitness, your own or someone else's. With lots on your mind concerning the home base or facility members, you'll be multi-tasking and maybe feeling a bit emotional or scattered as you adapt to a changing environment. Also you are gathering information and experience as you go forwards. Maybe it will be important to present yourself and your ideas in the best way you can so as to bring others around to your way of thinking which will be much easier after the 3rd.
Or maybe you will be listening and speaking in a gentler or more humorous way. But you are more likely to be making friends, enjoying the sights and sounds around you and there may be more comings and goings which are stimulating and interesting. More travel could be on the agenda too.
Physical effort may be needed to get things organized related to finances or property and possessions or any other bit of kit which needs a decisive and realistic approach. Maybe you are sorting out a space, maybe getting things done inside or outside, but also want to do more to fill the piggy-bank or gather more towards yourself.
Jupiter, in your sign for about 12 months, ushers in a cycle of expansion across the board. 'Learning through doing' is a key feature of Jupiter, but also you are likely to travel more or have more contact with those at a distance. You will also interact with people with very different views or cultural backgrounds at times. Time to get spread your wings Taurus and get the eagle-eye view.
Saturn continues its transit of Libra until Autumn 2012 which means you are in a cycle of having to work harder at health and fitness, in some cases taking more of an interest in the foodstuffs you use to nourish your body and being more aware what is good for you and what is not. Perhaps looking at cleansing regimes and other therapeutic practices. You'll have to adopt a step-by-step attitude and make use of that famous Taurean determination to be successful. Maybe you will become more self-disciplined about therapy, diet and exercise but also be upgrading the quality of your lines of supply. So some of you may take more interest in gardening, organic foods or gradually develop a more sensible diet or exercise regime.
The current position of Saturn is a time of preparation for it's move into the next sector in 2012. This is the 'stitch in time saves nine' position. Generally it means more responsibility and self discipline with daily routines and providing a service to others. Also the development of your skill set, knowledge related to work and health. Further down the line you will be glad you kept plugging away when you see the fruits of your efforts. At times health providers, work-mates the boss or the needy may feel annoying or you may have to question their methodolgy. But if your health or someone else's is out of wack during this cycle, then you will have the chance to improve things slowly and surely over this period.
For several years, Uranus will be working from behind the scenes helping you to tie up loose ends from the past and this would be a good time for some inner or spiritual work and squaring up to anything counterproductive in your emotional responses or general behaviour. Maybe you will be working innovatively or altruistically for those less fortunate or more needy. You may be connected to a group working for a good cause behind the scenes. It could also mean sudden flashes of insight into other dimensions too!
Neptune has temporarily vacated your career sector helping to bring more clarity about your place in the world, how others see you, and you can get more into gear with your life-goals and ambitions. Taureans born in the first 2 days or with 2 degrees of Taurus rising will feel this influence most this month.
For many years Pluto will subtly facilitate internal gear-shifts in deeper feelings and outer approach, helping you evolve your consciousness as old doors close and new ones open. Partly this could be related to a those at a distance, travel, or a foreign culture.
From the 23rd the focus will be on family, a locality a community and maybe centered around the private base of operations whether permanent or temporary.
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