Friday, June 24, 2011

Love, Astrology and Karma: How The Universe Conspires To Connect LOVERS And Lifetimes!

Do you believe in the karma of love? The spiritual connection between two people that transcends lifetimes? If you've experienced the amazing, almost inexplicable closeness that loving someone so deeply can bring, it's NOT a hard leap to make that love can extend beyond a single lifetime. Whether you are religious, or simply romantic, the idea that we come into this world with a spiritual other half, or a potential partner we picked LONG before this life began, is a popular concept in MOST conventional spiritual traditions, and new age thought alike.

For example?

Kaballah, or the "mystical" interpretation of much Jewish law, believes that every soul is "split" into two halves, when it is born physical form. The subsequent search for one's "Beshert", or spiritual soulmate is a very fundamental part of Jewish life and love... and those that practice believe that the Universe, or the higher planes of existence hold the key to ALL the answers of life, LOVE, karma and connection.

What about other religions or belief systems?

Almost all have a rich history and teaching on the tradition of soulmates and spiritual partnerships that transcend lifetimes. But the simple truth is, the belief in karma, and the amazing way that the Universe conspires to teach us lessons about LOVE have the power to transform your life in incredible ways, if you open your heart, and HEAD to the power and potential that lies within.

Here is a GREAT example:

In his series of books of national bestselling books on karma, LOVE and spiritual progress like "Only Love is Real", Dr Brian Weiss, a Harvard trained Psychiatrist stumbled upon a weird therapy technique that seemed to resolve almost ALL of his patients relationship issues: He REGRESSED them using hypnosis to previous lives... where they encountered many of the SAME people that they had relationship issues with today. What started out as an accident, became the SOLE focus of his psychiatry practice for 20 years thereafter.

Marriages and love affairs that were problematic in THIS life, he found had their origins in other incarnations. Even parent and sibling relationship problems were found to have their origin in prior "lifetimes" where similar dynamics (often reversed) were in play.

And whether you believe it's all a bunch of "bunk" or not... the simple truth is, this bizarre therapy WORKED! Patients found that facing, and then resolving marital problems in a previous lifetime, while regressed... was an incredible and almost INSTANT way to overcome problems in their present one.


Because they realized that their soul-mates... or spiritual partners, were special "souls" who they were here to grow with, share with and learn from. And that the problems they faced were very small, compared to the Universal grand plan for each of us, which is to continue to evolve, learn lessons, and strive for a state of pure love and bliss.

Here is EXACTLY what I've learned about love, the universe and my own spiritual progress:

We each choose, to some degree, the cycle and circumstances that govern our lives. (the astrological elements of this incarnation)

We each choose the relationships and spiritual partners we are here to HEAL, to help and to grow with

Everything is a matter of CHOICE. There are no fixed outcomes, or static endings that are set in stone.

That which we DON'T figure out now... will need to revisited in the future..:-) Problems with a parent, or splits with a spouse, if NOT addressed and overcome now, stay in our karma of "connection" and NOT working through them is only procrastinating on a GRAND cosmic scale and stage.

Lastly - and I truly believe this, the ONLY thing that really matters is love. How much you are able to give... and of course, hopefully, how much you feel in return. Everything else, as Shakespeare said so well - is pretty much sound and noise, signifying nothing.

Only love is real. Learn THAT one lesson, and the stars will SMILE on you, I promise..:-)

Find Your Spiritual Soul Mate HERE!

The EASIEST Way to Activate Your Karmic Love Connection WITHOUT Even Leaving Your Home (100% Guaranteed!)

View the original article here

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