This is a gear-shifting phase, but you'll probably feel a little self-protective at times as you gauge where your priorities lie and how best to move forwards. You will probably feel that you have to consider another's feelings and tread carefully at certain times with certain people but overall there will be influences around which help you materially or emotionally especially after the 3rd when things could get more intense or passionate in love relationships.
The mental focus could be wide-ranging with a lot of hypothesising or projecting into the future. But its also a good time for higher education and gathering information. Close relationships could connect you to foreign lands and travel.
Collaborations can be productive and energetic - you and someone can do business together as long as you understand each other's needs and requirements and look for win/win solutions as, with Mars here, there can be a conflict of opinion or interests. Teaming up with another is advisable as their input can be valuable but there may be a need to soften your tone and seek a compromise, or, be more assertive regarding your needs and requirements if you have a tendency to be too passive. Also strive not to let someone else's agenda clash with your own to the extent that it tires you out or puts you at risk.
For about 12 months Jupiter is opening up new opportunities in the employment sector of your Solar chart, and also offers conditions which may improve health and wellbeing. You'll have more enthusiasm for daily routines and probably be developing new skills or interests. Also you could be seen as the communicator, teacher or guide. Benefits could come through co-workers and others who tend to recognize your abilities or appreciate your contribution. Work opportunities flow in your direction more easily during this phase but you should avoid taking on too much or grabbing the first thing that comes along as Jupiter tends to bring abundance wherever it goes and you may have a wider array of options to choose from, but the danger is that you spread yourself too thin, so you will need to separate the wheat from the chaff and get more organized related to work or health routines so as to fully benefit from Jupiter's good vibes here.
Until late 2012, Saturn continues to make it obvious that certain social groups or friendships have outlived their relevance. Also you may be thinking very differently about how to achieve goals which have been on the back burner for a long time at this stage of your life's journey. But Saturn is likely to keep something you are longing for just out of reach and you just have to be more self-disciplined and patient to achieve it. Saturn rules TIME therefore this is the area where you must be most patient and persevering to realize a dream or a goal in a gradual, step by step manner. Saturn, the builder planet, will help something very different slowly to take shape if you keep at it. This is the area you must manage your time well. Saturn likes structures, so construct a firm foundation related a new social circle, a long-cherished dream or a worthy project which may have a reformist or unconventional feel. The ultimate outcome at the end of the transit will be that you play a different role in the eyes of others, or it's a very different set of others you are hanging out with.
Uranus moves into Aries on March 12th to stay for 7 years, you will be attracted to groups of people who expand your consciousness and teach you things which are new and innovative. There could be more fun on offer, more creative, unconventional encounters or the study of a weird subject like astrology. There may be a new friendship or a love relationship with a foreigner or someone from a very different background. Uranus will stimulate your creative, free spirit and you are likely to feel inspired, and willing to take a leap of faith or try a more creatively liberated approach. Or, on another level, you are merging your individual mind with a higher mind.
Saggies born in the first week and up to 7 degrees Saggie rising will feel this vibration most strongly this month.
Neptune temporarily shifted into Pisces at the root of your chart on April 5th. This indicates you will need to be firmer about boundaries with family members or those in close proximity - perhaps creating a private space for yourself at home or making it a beautiful and spiritual Saggies born in the 1-2 days or with the first 1-2 degrees of Saggie rising will be feeling this vibration most this month.
Over many years Pluto is evolving you through the material side of life. Are you feeling more sensitive about other's control where money, property or possessions are concerned? Alternatively, do you feel you'd like to get more control over these areas? Eventually, you will discover where the balance lies for you and you will follow that star. Saggies born from Nov 26th-Dec 2nd or with 3-8 degrees Saggie rising will feel this vibration most this month.
From the 23rd an adventurous vibration when you may be drawn into unusual areas which can teach you a lot but striving to meet another's needs and requirements and not letting them tire you out.
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