Thursday, June 23, 2011

Astrology Forecast for July 2011 - General Tendencies for All Sun Signs

July is going to feel like a vacation compared to June. Yes, we will have a few ups an downs, but nothing like the conflicts we dealt with last month. Also, Jupiter and Pluto will be dancing together though the first half of July inspiring psychological growth and a renewed optimism.

July begins with a solar eclipse early on July 1st. We may be dealing with some losses, and we may be feeling rather tired as we begin our holiday weekend. But, our social life and our love for life should return by Sunday, July 3rd. Our July 4th holiday will be great for parties and friends, but don't get too excited. Some may say a few things they will regret.

We will be dealing we at least one major planetary aspect every day from July 4th through July 9th. The week after the holiday will be eventful, to say the least. There could be some upsets on Tuesday, July 5th, but our energy and our optimism will be high through July 7th. There could be problems with loved ones or unexpected accidents on Friday and Saturday, July 8th and 9th, but people will also be patient and ready to help.

Monday, July 11th, will be an excellent day for travel and conversations, but Tuesday and Wednesday, July 12th and 13th, could bring sarcasm from loved ones. The boss (or other authority figures) may also say some hurtful things. The Capricorn full Moon on Friday, July 15th, should set an ambitious tone. Thursday and Friday will be a great time for business ventures and getting some work done.

The week of July 17th may actually be boring. The planets will be calm and the Moon will be doing her usual thing all the way through the first day of Leo, July 23rd.

The week of July 25th may start off a little crazy and could become very exciting by Wednesday, July 27th. After all the boredom from last week, we could very well be ready for some intellectual, spiritual, and even juvenile stimulation. Changes may be happening faster than we'd like, and there could be some nasty gossip in the air on Thursday and Friday, July 28th and 29th.

The excitement will probably continue though the end of the month with Mercury turning retrograde on August 2nd and the planets starting a game of tag. Enjoy the peace and quiet this month, because August will be a much different story. Check back next month for all the details.

Janet (Sparrow) Moon is a professional psychic and astrologer. You can visit her web site for more articles about upcoming events in astrology, and to read her daily astrology general tendencies forecast. (This article can be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article and this bio is included.)

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