Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Knowing Your Nakshatras Can Answer The Burning Question, "Who Am I?"


Western Astrology is a result of the ancient wisdom traveling out of India across the Far East to Greece. Just as you whisper a secret in the ear of your friend, and they tell a friend, and they tell as friend, the original message becomes distorted and often the core meaning is lost.

The West adopted the Julian calendar created by Julius Caesar during the renaissance in Greece 2011 odd years ago. This time period and calendar is also the foundation of western astrology.

So much was lost in translation. Western astrology originated in Greece without the foundational piece of astrology called Nakshatras.

The Julian calendar is solar based and focuses on the Sun, which moves on degree per day, a solar day. Each month, or 30 days the sun moves through one rashi/sign.

The Vedic measurement of time is based on the movement of the Moon. The sidereal lunar Vedic system is at least 10,000 years older than the western Julian calendar system. Our ancient ancestors were well aware of the celestial movements of luminaries (planets).

Behind the mythology of Astrology are the pure sciences of astronomy and mathematics.

The Moon moves 13 degrees and 20 min per day.

Sidereal, or true star time, measures the movement against the backdrop of the fixed constellations. 13.20 minutes is one lunar day.

Each lunar day is called a Nakshatra.

There are 27 nakshatras in the revolution of the moon each month.

Nakshatras form the foundation of Vedic Astrology.

Think of them as the primordial level of the zodiac within which we find the deeper connections too much more ancient ancestral knowledge.

For the western astrologer this information is completely missing. For a western astrologer moving into eastern astrology this information opens up a completely new world and depth to interpretation.

Nakshatras are the finer tuning of astrological knowledge and are used extensively for timing.


The Sanskrit name for the moon is Chandra. Jyotisha is a lunar-based system that calibrates energy in a finely perceptive way. The Moon rules the mind and Manas: perception. How the mind perceives reality is basically how one's life unfolds.


If we wish our outside environment to change we must first change our inner environment. This refers to manas. Our earthly celestial local environment is the Milky Way. Just as you travel past the same nature views as you travel on your daily journey from your home to work each day, we have our celestial nature views as we travel around the ecliptic each day.

The views are lights we call stars. The fixed stars along our ecliptic path form the constellations we know and love. As westerners we are just receiving the story behind the constellations. India has lived inherently with this knowledge since the beginning of recorded time. It is common for a child to be named from the sound of the nakshatra under which they were born. You would not ask one's sun sign, rather the moon nakshatra of birth. Not only the moon; all your planets will fall into one of the 27 nakshatras.


The Vedas are rich with stories for us to understand the greater history that dates far into the past of written records or even earthly time. What we have is likely a fraction of what exists; however, the story of Chandra is a bit sexy and naughty.

It is said that Daksha, the lord of creation had 27 wives and would spend one night with each of them. He would travel each day and reveal himself each night with a different consort. Each wife had a different deity, symbol, motivation, direction, sound etc, distinct from the other. It was noticed that Daksha would spend a little more time in the second nakshatra of Taurus called Rohini. The moon is exalted in Rohini, at 3 degrees to be exact. The characteristics of Rohini are one of beauty, grace and wealth.

As with everything else on earth we have the opposite point, which creates polarity. The opposite point to Rohini, is where he would spend the least amount of time. Opposite to Rohini is Jyestha in the sign of Scorpio.

Jyestha is the oldest wife. The original wife who rules all the rest of the harem with the distinction that only time and experience can offer. The moon is debilitated at 3 degrees of Scorpio in Jyestha.


Each nakshatra has one or more God or Goddess that is associated with it. Understanding the ishtadevata goes a long way in understanding the deeper meaning of each division. Herein lies the underlying foundation of the Vedic knowledge! We will delve into this knowledge bit by bit, as it is laborious to memorize for the aspiring student of Astrology. In addition each of the 27 nakshatras has one or more symbols that represent the division. These symbols are often animals, as well as inanimate objects that describe the theme of the division.


Nakshatras are used for the art of planning. Astrologers were the original calendar makers, giving advice on the best days to plant and harvest. In addition, there are better times to begin journeys, go to battle, start a marriage, begin a business, or end a relationship. Life is filled with activities, which require careful execution to have success.

Nakshatras help us align our human consciousness with the cosmos.

Nakshatras are further divided into the following:

Dhruva: fixed
Tikshna-daruna: dreadful
Ugra: fierce
Ksipra: swift
Mrdu: tender
Mrdutikshna Sadharana: tender dreadful

Cara: temporary.

As westerners we often choose to ignore the harsher realities of life. Instead of facing difficulty head on, we have become a nation of medicated half asleep fearful sheep. A more conscious way to approach reality is to admit that we live in this 2 dimensional world, visibly at least, and to approach life in a more prepared manner.


Nakshatras act like a clock activating the karma's that are present within the signs.
Based upon the nakshatra placement of your moon at birth, the cosmic clock of your life will start clicking.
The concept of karma exists within Vedic thought. The nakshatra of your birth moon plays a critical role in your karmic enfoldment. The interaction between the nakshatras and the signs in your chart is the eloquent mystical dance of the planetary Gods and Goddesses directing your own soul journey.


Vedic astrology is a deep and intricate system of knowledge and wisdom. It is best to take it one step at a time. As Yoga is sweeping the West, and self-inquiry and spiritual essence is a core piece of Vedic philosophy, I believe it is time for us to become familiar with Nakshatras!


As you know, stress is caused by the feeling of disempowerment by events that affect you, that you cannot control. To discover the world of Vedic astrology, and how it can help you navigate a path to your higher purpose, visit

Paddi Moore has been a professional astrologer for 25 years and sits on the board of directors of the American Council of Vedic Astrologers.

View the original article here

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