Lance Armstrong is in the news again. No surprise this is happening in May, 2011 - a 9 Universal Month. Lance's Birth Numbers are completely dominated by the number 9.
1. Lance Armstrong was born on the 18th, a 9 Day of Birth.
2. He has a 36/9 Life Purpose Number, based on all the digits of his birthday.
3. Lance's Essence Number - Month and Day - is 18/9.
4. Lance's Year of Birth is 1971, adding up to 18/9.
5. Lance's Destiny Number, based on his birth name 'Lance Edward Gunderson', is 90/9.
This remarkable series of 9's is extremely rare.
What do all these 9s and 18/9s mean? When expressed positively, 9 symbolizes the King of Numbers. 9 is the final single digit, and thus holds all the other numbers within it.
Multiply any number by 9, and the total ALWAYS reduces to 9. For example, 9 times 12 equals 108 and the digits in 108 add up to 9.
Add 9 to any number, and the sum will ALWAYS reduce to the same root number. For example, 9 + 22 = 31. When you add the digits in either 22 or 31, the sum is the same -
9 looks like a body with a very large head sitting on top. The head represents wisdom. As the 'Humanitarian Number', 9's special purpose is to raise humanity's consciousness with compassion and love.
9's do this by being a role model.
Since 9's will be emulated by others, whether they like it or not, 9's must always 'walk their talk'.
When balanced, 9's are natural leaders, who's very life teaches by example.
All 9's have a strong inclination to follow something they believe in, and pursue it with tremendous ambition and drive.
Here's the thing. 9's are perfectionists. They expect perfection from themselves - and place these high expectations on others. The big lessons for 9's is to learn to forgive, and to trust their inner wisdom. The wisdom is always revealed in their Feelings - 9 lies in the 3-6-9 'Feeling' Triad of numbers.
A 9 person's greatest wish is to serve the world in some capacity.
When 9 is expressed negatively, he or she is overconfident, does not listen, has a larger than life Ego, lies, is immoral, possessive, bitter and corrupt.
Negative 9's are critical of others and feel 'I can do no wrong - I am invincible.'
As for the other number in Lance's Birth Blueprint - 18, it is the Christ Consciousness vibration, reflecting the supreme heights of unconditional love and compassion. In the negative, 18 reflects materialism destroying spirituality through divisive tactics and deception.
Back in 2007 I wrote a newsletter called 'Did Lance Do It?'. Back then it was not popular to call Lance a liar, but I did.
At the time, I was living in Asheville, North Carolina and heard that Armstrong had just purchased a prestigious condo up the hill from my house. The Blue Ridge Parkway is a favorite training ground for U.S. cyclists.
So I checked out my soon-to-be neighbor's numerology. Here is part of what I wrote -
'Armstrong won the Tour de France, cycling's most prestigious race, seven consecutive times from 1999-2005.
'What makes this incredible feat more amazing is that he battled and won an even more dramatic fight in 1996. Having been diagnosed with testicular cancer, which spread to his brain and lungs, Armstrong's treatments included brain and testicular surgery and extensive chemotherapy.
'So how did he do it? And, more importantly - did he win without the help of performance enhancing drugs.
'Let me be clear before I answer. What you're about to read is my simple opinion based on what I gathered on Lance and his numbers.
'So here it goes. On the record.
'I believe Lance Armstrong DID take performance enhancing drugs.'
Last night on CBS' news magazine show '60 Minutes', Armstrong's teammate, former professional cyclist and Olympic Gold-medal winning athlete Tyler Hamilton, stated reluctantly that Lance and he had cheated.
It was a compelling interview.
Another cyclist, George Hincapie, who has more credibility, because of his clean record and close friendship with Lance has now also given testimony to the grand jury. It is Hincapie's testimony that could signal the beginning of the end of Lance Armstrong's name and his 'Livestrong' brand.
Stunningly, 'George Hincapie' has an 18/9 current name number. Amazingly, 'Tyler Hamilton' has a 45/9 current name.
Is it any 'coincidence' that these two former teammates are being exposed now - during a 9 Universal Month in the year of Manifesting Truth, 2011?
This morning the Editor-in-Chief of Bicycling Magazine, Peter Flax, said, 'Lance was the greatest champion in a very dirty era.' Flax continued by stating that we should all move on from whether Armstrong doped or not.
Flax explained that Armstrong's legacy is extremely complex.
Most of the cyclists Lance competed against were doping. In fact, most of the podium winners during that era have since been stripped of their titles.
As Tyler Hamilton explained on '60 Minutes', if you didn't dope - you had no chance of competing with the A-list guys.
Lance has expressed his multitude of 9's in a very complex way.
Armstrong's leadership and drive to succeed, as well as his quest to help others, is indisputable. These are typical 9 qualities - especially for someone like Lance, who ONLY has 9's in ALL his important birth numbers.
Yet, one important piece of the puzzle has been bringing him challenges.
His current name, "Lance Armstrong.'
'Lance Armstrong' resonate to 12 - the 'Victim' number. With this name frequency, Lance either feel victimized or is the victimizer.
Amazingly, his brand name 'Livestrong' ALSO resonates to 39 which adds up to 12.
It is no surprise that Lance's life has been filled with tremendous obstacles. With his 9's he has been able to overcome so much. Yet, he is lying about part of his life. Now, I'm sure he feels victimized - again.
In 2011, the year of walking though the 11 gateway in Truth - these lies are being exposed. Not just for Lance. But for us all.
Lance Armstrong could do so much good by coming out and admitting that his era of cycling was the most dope-infested ever.
By owning the Truth. And apologizing.
By teaching us how the self-imposed pressure to succeed can compromise integrity.
Lance Armstrong has a great opportunity to walk through the 11 gateway right now. Yet, he must snap out of feeling like a victim and first forgive himself. And forgive others. Then his life will truly exemplify 'winning against all odds.' Where his victory is exemplified by a total surrender to Love.
Just as importantly, I recommend Lance change the spelling of his current name to 'Lance Arrmstrong'.
Instead of his current highly challenging 12/3 'Victim Number', this new spelling would allow his life to get activated by the number 14/5 - a highly fortunate frequency.
His new spelling would help create a tremendous shift. That's because, a fortunate name totally supports you in a positive, uplifting way.
Your name is your most important asset. Be sure your name supports you.
Tania Gabrielle - Celebrity Numerologist, AstroNumerologist, Composer and Author - is a regular guest on radio shows across the globe. Her insights have been published by the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, ESPN Magazine, Essence and US Magazines. She writes a highly popular free current events e-newsletter.
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