Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mercury Retrograde: What, Why, When, Where and How

The term "Mercury Retrograde" is often misused or misunderstood by the public at large yet it is quite easy to understand how and when this celestial event will effect us astologically. By referencing coming Retrograde Periods we can mark our calendars and use natal charts to see when and how we will be touched. By taking these simple steps we can objectively foresee with confident clarity and engage accordingly with Mercury retrogrades rather than be at the mercy of unfolding events.

As the "winged messenger" Mercury appears from Earth to be moving backwards during these 3 week windows thrice a year be prepared for certain upsets regarding all things communication, transportation and mechanically related.

This includes glitches, delays, and meltdowns via phones, computers, systems, trains, planes, appliances, as well as general misunderstanding resulting from all manner of personal or other forms of communication. Binding agreements such as signature documents or online transactions are subject to possible backfire that may require a revisit, a rework, a refinement and/or a complete redo.

Do these annoyances occur throughout the entire calendar year? Yes, of course, but in glaring magnification during retrograde periods. The old adage "Forewarned Is Forearmed" applies to mercury retrograde and is a celestial certainty that effects us all. Never fear tho, as with a little calendar clarity and a grain of salt, these pockets of time can be used with old Merc's motion in coming to a better place when the dust settles.

Just as the Moon changes Zodiac Signs roughly every 2 1/2 days briefly becoming Void of Course before entering the next Sign, Mercury Retrograde periods similarly and to a much larger extent create confusing conditions that can be upsetting, unsettling, and in demand of immediate response. Whereas a Lunar Void of Course period is a good time to rest and reflect, a Mercury Retrograde period is a good time to revisit, revise, repair and react.

To determine how a Mercury Retrograde period will effect you: 1. Find the degrees and Sign at which Mercury currently goes Retrograde/Direct 2. Using your astrological Natal Chart, locate the degrees and what house(s) they reside in (usually in the same house.) As the planet Mercury transits your natal house it will act out accordingly to the characteristics known to that house. Issues will surface and require attention specifically related to your natal chart house that mercury is currently transiting.

Vitale writes along spiritual lines and founded Pagan Poet ( in 2000 to explore paganism, spirituality, and to celebrate pagan poets, authors, artists & musicians.

View the original article here

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